Fibergrow® is a growth medium based on wood fiber from Norwegian spruce. Fibergrow® has a low climate footprint, and with small changes in the cultivation strategy can be used in the same way as known substrates. Fibergrow is delivered as loose fiber or mats, and is produced by Hunton Fiber AS in Gjøvik.

"Fibergrow is Norwegian, pure, defibrated wood fiber from spruce. The product is sterile and stable, and the experiences from both research and Norwegian gardeners are very positive. Fibergrow can be used pure by producers of, for example, tomatoes, such as in Mære's nurseries, or mixed with other substrates for both consumers and nurseries. At Mære, trials are taking place with Fibergrow mats in tomato production. It is exemplary that Mære's gardeners choose to be at the forefront and gain experience that both the professional staff at the school, the students and the green industry can benefit from."
- Tove Ladstein, responsible for green development at Fibergrow.